JAMF iPad Deployment Guide
These are my notes on deploying iPads with JAMF. They only run internally and are locked down with a very limited number of apps. The iPads are managed via JAMF Cloud.
Import an unmanaged or new iPad into Apple
- Only Step
- Left: Device Assignments
- Right: (1) Input iPad serial numbers (2) Action: Assign to Server: Your Organization JAMF
Enroll an iPad into JAMF
This assumes that the iPad has been imported into this website: https://school.apple.com
- Only Step
- Remove any preinstalled Apple Configurator profiles
- Open Settings -> Reset -> Erase All Content & Settings
- (this takes about 5 minutes to complete)
Obtain Free or Purchased iPad Apps
- Only Step
- Left: Apps and Books
- Middle: Search for the desired App
- Right: Under
Buy Licenses
select aLocation
- Right: Under
- Right: Click
- Right: Click
- In about a minute or two, you should see the App under the
Manage Licenses
Log into JAMF
- URL: https://YourOrgName.jamfcloud.com/
- Username: your username
- Password: your password
Create a set of locations
It is best to use Buildings instead of Room because this allows you to use a drop-down selection box instead of free form text.
- Only Step
- Left: Management Settings
- Center: Network Organization
- Right: Buildings
- Right: New
- Input a Display Name which can be a building, department, floor, etc.
- Repeat as needed
Create a group of iPad apps
A group may contain one or more apps
- Step 1
- Left: Management Settings
- Center: Network Organization
- Right: Departments
- Create an alphabetical, comma separated list of apps
- Example: Cardio Calc, PubMed
- Step 2
- Left: Smart Device Group
- Right: New
- Tab: Mobile Device Group
- Display Name: Dept XYZ, where XYZ is the exact name given in Step 1
- Example: Dept Cardio Calc, PubMed
- Tab: Criteria
- Right: Click Add
- Criteria: Department
- Operator: is
- Value: the exact value given in Step 1
- Right: Click Save
- Step 3
- This may or may not need to be done, depending on the scope restrictions.
- Left: Configuration Profiles
- Right: YourOrgName Restrictions
- Right: Scope
- If the iPad apps no dot meet any of the Scope criteria, the Edit and Add in a the new Department
Add a New App
- Step 1
- Left: Mobile Device Apps
- Under the
No category assigned
section, select your App
- Under the
- Initially, this scope is:
No scope defined
- Initially, this scope is:
- Step 2a
- Left: Under the
tab, selectEdit
- Left: Under the
- Step 2b
- Right: Click
- Right: Click
- Right: Select
Mobile Device Groups
- Right: Select
- Right:
yourDept AppList
- Right:
- Right: Click
- Right: Click
- Step 3a
- Right: Under
tab, selectEdit
- Right: Under
- Step 3b
- Right: Under
, select the appropriate category from the drop down
- Right: Under
- Right: Under
Distribution Method
, selectInstall Automtically, Prompt User
- Right: Under
- Right: Click
- Right: Click
- Step 4a
- Right: Under
Manage Distribution
tab, selectEdit
- Right: Under
- Step 4b
- Right: Check
Assign Content Purchased in Volume
- Right: Check
- Right: Select
from drop down
- Right: Select
- Right: Click
- Right: Click
Add or Change an app group to an iPad
- Step 1
- Left: search inventory
- Center: (click on your saved search )
- Bottom: View tip: press Alt-V instead of clicking View
- Click on the Device Name
- Step 2
- Center: Under Inventory, click User and Location
- Right: Edit
- Right: under the Department drop-down, select the app group name
- Right: (optional) under the Building, select the device location
Check deployment status
- Step 1
- Navigate to the iPad via the Search Inventory
- Step 2
- Center: Management
- View any Pending Commands
- You may need to click Send Blank Push to nudge the deployment
Add a website to the allowed content filter
- Step 1
- Left: Configuration Profiles
- Right: YourOrgName Content Filter Main
- Center: Content Filter
- Right: Edit
- Step 2
- Right: Click Add
- Right: Input a URL and optionally a Title. If you input a Title, it will appear on the iPad as a bookmark
- Right: Save
Troubleshooting: Pending - Application is not available to install
- Step 1
- Make a note of the problematic app under Deployment Status -> Management -> Pending Commands
- Step 2
- Left: Management Settings
- Center: Global Management
- Right: Volume Purchasing
- Center: Click on your organization name
- Tab: Content
- Right: click on the Refresh for the problematic app
- Note: This process may take a few minutes. It is recommended that you refresh no more than one app or eBook at a time.
- Step 3
- After a few minutes, this should clear this error and your deployment should be pushed to your devices
Troubleshooting: A newly changed department will revert back to original department
- Step 1
- Left: Management Settings
- Center: Global Management
- Right: Inventory Preload
- Step 2a
- You can delete all active data and then the department should stick
- Step 2b
- Alternatively, you can download the CSV file, edit with the correct department and the upload the modified CSV file.
Troubleshooting: iPad will not connect to WiFi
- Only Step
- The SSIDs with JAMF Cloud are case-sensitive. Ensure the SSID you input matches the SSID exactly, including any capitalizations.
Troubleshooting: iPad asks to accept WiFi certificate
- Only Step
- Left: Configuration Profiles
- Right: (click on your WiFi profile)
- Center: Click Wi-Fi payload
- Right: Trust tab
- Right: Edit
- Right: under Trusted Server Certificate Names, click Add
- Right: Input the hostname that is serving the certificate.
- Example: radius.idm.school.edu
Troubleshooting: iPads can not upgrade to newest iOS version
- Updates will not run if the iPad battery is low
- Updates will not run if the there is low storage space
- Settings -> General -> About -> Available
- A configuration profile has the following restriction enabled, which will need to be temporarily disabled:
- Configuration Profiles -> Profile Name -> Restrictions -> Functionality -> Defer Software Update
- This change must then be pushed to your iPads