A Couple of Quick Command Line Tips
If you just want a quick way to create or append to a text file, you can do something this:
type con >> groceries.txt
where ^ Z is control-Z.
If you want to run a cmd-line program, but not see the output, you can run:
mypgm.exe > nul
However, this will still show you errors that are sent to STDERR. Those can also be redirected:
mypgm.exe > nul 2>&1
2 is the STDERR file descriptor and 1 is the STDOUT file descriptor. So you can then redirect both of these to a file:
mypgm.exe > results.txt 2>&1
Or separate them:
mypgm.exe > results.txt 2> errors.txt
You can also pipe a command to cmd. This is a contrived example, but you get the idea:
echo ping | cmd